Bulletin Announcements for 03-03-2019

Prayer Meeting (6pm)
Please join us at the church on Wednesday Night from 6:00-6:45pm for a short Hymn sing and a special time of prayer.

Sunday School (10am-10:50am)
The “How to Study Your Bible” Series audio by Dr Richard Belcher, Jr. is now available on the Internet! Please contact Ryan Waldroop for access to the link on the web.

Bible Studies
Congregational Spring Bible Study continues this Thursday with The Study of Ezekiel. The morning  study starts at 9:30am at the Church / Evening study at 7pm in a member’s home. See the schedule at the bottom of this page for more info.

The Rock Hill Neighborhood Bible Study meets every Thursday from 7-8:30pm at the Hazards home in Rock Hill. The study will look at Bible Development, Study Methods, and Practical Study. Please contact Dwight Hazard for more info.

The Men’s Bible Study continues the study of the Book of Psalms.  The study meets every Tuesday @ 6:30pm at Christ Ridge PCA. All men are invited! Ask Shaun Ballard for details..

Other News & Events
The “Golden Oldies” will have their monthly gathering on Tuesday, March 5th at the Fort Mill Family Restaurant at 9:30 am. Please ask any honorary member for details.

The Christian Education Committee is seeking a volunteer interested in being the 2019 Vacation Bible School (VBS) Director.
Please contact Pamela Cureton for more information.

If you or a family member of Christ Ridge is in need of Assistance with Meals please contact Julia Bouldin with the details specific to length of time for meal delivery and any dietary needs.

If you have comments, questions, ideas concerning the New Building Process, please send those via email to: building@christridge.com.
From here we will be able to insure that all of your ideas and information makes it to the correct people quickly.  We want to make sure that you are free to give plenty of input in the process.

Sunday Evening Activities (5:30pm)
FLOCKS (Food, Fun, and Fellowship) is scheduled for this Sunday Evening at 5:30pm. All are invited!

All Schedules including, Usher, Golden Oldies, Evening Activities, Bible Study, and the Nursery Schedule can now be found here. See Below:
All Sunday Evening activities start @ 5:30pm. Sunday Evening Activities Schedule can be found here. Click on Link below:
Evening Calendar
The Golden Oldies have their monthly gathering on the first Tuesday of every Month at the
Fort Mill Family Restaurant at 9:30 am.
The “Golden Oldies” Schedule can be found here. Click on Link below:
Usher Schedule can be found here. Click on Link below:
Nursery Schedule can be found here. Click on Link below:
Nursery Schedule Jan-May 2019 v1
Thursday Bible Study (Ezekiel) Schedule can be found here:


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