Prayer Meeting
Please join us at the Church on Wednesday Nights from 6:00-6:45 pm for a short Hymn sing and special time of prayer.
Sunday School (10a-10:50a)
The Reformation 500 Series audio is now available on the Internet! Please contact Ryan Waldroop for access to the link on the web.
Men’s Ministry News
Men, mark your calendars! The Annual Christ Ridge Men’s Retreat is scheduled for Friday, January 19th thru Sunday, January 21st. Please contact Shaun Ballard for more details.
Other News & Events
5Th Sunday Offering – Today we will collect a “5th Sunday Offering”. All PCA churches of Fellowship Presbytery gather this special offering to help the Presbytery meet their budgetary needs. For information, ask any Christ Ridge PCA elder.
The “G0 Getters” will have their monthly gathering on Tuesday, January 2nd at the Fort Mill Family Restaurant (Note New Location) at 9:30 am.
Please ask any honorary member for details.