Bulletin Announcements for 09-17-2017
Please join us at the Church on Wednesday Nights from 6:00-6:45 pm for a short Hymn sing and special Time of Prayer.
The Reformation 500 Series audio is now available on the Internet! Please contact Ryan Waldroop for access to the link on the web.
Two Fall Bible Studies will begin on Thursday, September 21st. One study will meet at Christ Ridge PCA on Thursday mornings @9:30; the other study will meet at the Bouldin’s house on Thursday evenings @ 7pm. The Fall Bible Study schedule is as follows:
Interested in joining Christ Ridge? A New Members Class will begin this Sunday. If interested, contact Rev. Dixon for details.
Women’s Ministry News
Fellowship Presbytery will hold its 2017 Women In The Church Fall Gathering on October 21st at Bethel PCA from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm. When you register, you must also select two break-out sessions that you would like to attend. A nursery will be provided. Registration deadline is October 8th. If you need a registration form, a list of break-out session choices, or have any questions, please see Joyce Mincey or Allison Nicholson.
Men’s Ministry News
It’s not too late to take part! A new Men’s Bible Study has begun. It meets every Tuesday from 6:30pm-8pm. The topic of the fall sessions is: “Life Together: Where do you fit in the life of the Church?” Please contact Shaun Ballard for more info.
Men’s Breakfast returns monthly on Saturday mornings from 8a to 10a beginning on 9/23 and continuing on the 3rd Sat of the month for the months of Oct, Nov, Feb, Mar, April, May, & June. Contact Shaun Ballard or Chad Nicholson for details.
Local Ministry Opportunities
Christ Ridge definitely wants to make a difference in our local community. We have been exploring ways of ministering to people in our local area and have come up with four areas where we think we can Partner with Other Ministries. The four areas are:
- Pro-life: working with a crisis pregnancy center (particularly helping fill out Medicaid eligibility forms)
- Pro-life: sidewalk counseling
- Material needs: providing help with food, utility payments, etc.
- Racial reconciliation: working with a local predominantly black church in their ministries.
If you are interested in any of these ministries, please contact any Elder or Deac for more information and to understand how you can be involved. (End of announcement in the bulletin.)