Bulletin Announcements for 03-25-2018

Prayer Meeting
Please join us at the Church on Wednesday Nights from 6:00-6:45 pm for a short Hymn sing and special time of prayer.

Sunday School (10a-10:50a)
The Sunday School audio is now available on the Internet! Please contact Ryan Waldroop for access to the link on the web.

Bible Studies
The Spring Bible Study led by Pastor Dixon continues. The study topic is the book
of 2nd Corinthians.
The Men’s Bible Study led by Shaun Ballard is studying the Book of 1st Samuel.
Please ask any participant for time and details. You are encouraged to join us!

Other News & Events
Everyone’s Invited! For a trip down memory lane Celebrating 10 years With Pastor Michael Dixon and Family. The date is fast approaching Saturday, April 14th 4:00 pm-until…   at Redeeming Grace PCA fellowship hall (4800 Charlotte Hwy, Lake Wylie SC).
The Celebration Committee needs the congregation’s help!
With food; call or talk to Jamie Wilson.
With table set-up (Men), decorations, food set-up, and clean-up; call, text, or talk to Vickie Harris.
We would like stories and/or pictures of our Building, Events, Fun Times, Miracles, High points, or any other ways that God has used Michael, Nikki, Lewellyn, or Boston in your lives or in the life of our church.  We need this information for a special gift and to make the night special for everyone!  Please email, text, or give to Vickie Harris.

The “G0 Getters” will have their monthly gathering on Tuesday, April 3rd at the Fort Mill Family Restaurant at 9:30 am.
Please ask any honorary member for details.

All Schedules including, Usher, Bible Studies, Golden Oldies, Evening Activities and the NEW Updated Nursery Schedule can now be found here:
2 Cor Bible Study Schedule can be found here. Click on Link below:
All Sunday Evening activities start @ 5:30pm. Sunday Evening Activities Schedule can be found here. Click on Link below:
SunEvening Activities
The Golden Oldies have their monthly gathering on the first Tuesday of every Month at the
Fort Mill Family Restaurant at 9:30 am.
The “Golden Oldies” Schedule can be found here. Click on Link below:
Usher Schedule can be found here. Click on Link below:
New Updated Nursery Schedule can be found here. Click on Link below:
2018 Feb – May Nursery Schedule Revised 3_3_18 PDF

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