Prayer Meeting
Please join us at the Church on Wednesday Nights from 6:00-6:45 pm for a short Hymn sing and special time of prayer.
Sunday School (10a-10:50a)
The Sunday School audio is now available on the Internet! Please contact Ryan Waldroop for access to the link on the web.
Bible Studies
The Thursday Spring Bible Studies have begun! The Study Topic is the book of 2nd Corinthians. The Spring Bible Study schedule and meeting details can be found on the Christ Ridge Website:
The Tuesday Night Men’s Bible Study has also begun. The study meets every Tuesday @6:30pm; the Study is from the Book of 1 Samuel. Please contact Shaun Ballard or any participants for more information.
Other News & Events
Church Directory Update: If you are new to Christ Ridge or have updated information for the directory, please fill out one of the half-page forms found in the Attendance Book. You may drop your completed form in the offering plate or give it to Leslie Hunter. To include a family photo, or update the current one, please email them to Leslie by March 12th.
The “G0 Getters” will have their monthly gathering on Tuesday, March 6th at the Fort Mill Family Restaurant at 9:30 am.
Please ask any honorary member for details.
If you have comments, questions, ideas, requests, or useful information concerning the New Building Process, please send those via email to From here we will be able to insure that all of your ideas, desires, and information makes it to the correct people quickly. We want to make sure that you are free to give plenty of input in this process.