Sunday School (10a-10:50a)
The Sunday School audio is now available on the Internet! Please contact Ryan Waldroop for access to the link on the web.
Bible Studies
The Thursday Spring Bible Studies have begun! The Thursday morning study will meet at Christ Ridge PCA @9:30; the evening study will meet at the Lefler’s house (6023 Autumn Moon Dr. in FM) @7pm. The Study Topic is the book of 2nd Corinthians; Everyone is welcome!
The Spring Bible Study schedule can be found on the Christ Ridge Website:
The Tuesday Night Men’s Bible Study will resume on THIS Tuesday, February 13th @6:30pm. The Study will be from the Book of 1 Samuel. Please contact Shaun Ballard for more information.
Women’s Ministry
The Fellowship Presbytery WIC (Women In the Church) 2018 Spring Gathering will be held on March 3, 2018 at Filbert Presbyterian Church from 8:15 am to 1:00 pm. Cost is $12 per person which includes lunch. A nursery will be provided. If you don’t have a registration form, contact Joyce Mincey.
Registration deadline is 2.11.2018! (TODAY)
Other News & Events
Save the date! Celebrating 10 years With Pastor Michael Dixon and Family is Saturday, April 14th. More details to follow soon.
Church Directory Update: If you are new to Christ Ridge or have updated information for the directory, please fill out one of the half-page forms found in the Attendance Book. You may drop your completed form in the offering plate or give it to Leslie Hunter. To include a family photo, or update the current one, please email them to Leslie by March 12th.
Communion will be served next Sunday, February 18th during the Worship Service. Please prepare yourselves this week by reading 1 Cor. 11:23-34.