Our Worship Style

The weekly public worship service is the most important activity in the Christian life. Here, God meets with his people. He speaks to us in his Word and sacraments, and we respond in prayer, confession, and song. He stoops down to feed our souls, strengthen our faith, and build us up as the body of Christ. We come ready to hear, ready to receive, and ready to please him.

When we gather for worship, we gather around the presence of the crucified and risen Christ, in whom all things hold together. Jesus is the Word of God — present at the dawning of creation, made flesh to dwell among us, coming again in glory to reign. This same Word is revealed to us in the witness of Scripture and made known to us in the breaking of the bread. Because of our emphasis on Jesus as the Word of God at Christ Ridge, we take preaching seriously — along with personal study of Scripture, rigorous theological education for leaders, and deep Christian formation for all. Appropriately, given this emphasis, some have described the order of worship in the Service for the Lord’s Day as a set of actions; preaching the Word, being faithful to the sacraments, prayer, and fellowship of the Saints. In this way we proclaim that Jesus — the living Word of God — is at the center of our faith, life, and worship.

At Christ Ridge, you will find reverent and joyful worship of the living God, biblical liturgy, and Christ proclaimed from all the Scriptures. Please see a sample of our bulletin:   Bulletin

TEACHER IN RESIDENCE – Dr. Richard P. Belcher, Jr.

Dr. Belcher is the John D. and Frances M. Gwin Professor of Old Testament at RTS Charlotte and the Academic Dean at RTS Atlanta. He is an ordained minister in the PCA and pastored an urban nondenominational church in Rochester, NY for ten years before pursuing the Ph.D. This pastoral experience in an unusual and challenging setting gives him great insight into the practical, modern issues that will be faced by future pastors studying with him at RTS. He graduated from Covenant College and received his M.Div from Covenant Seminary. He also received an S.T.M. from Concordia Theological Seminary, and his Ph.D. is from Westminster Theological Seminary. He has served as stated supply for numerous churches in the area since coming to RTS Charlotte in 1995.

He is married to Mrs. Lu Belcher and has three daughters; Nikki, Danielle, Alisha


Nathan Ecarma is the Director of Ministries and will be the Associate Pastor after ordination. He is currently enrolled at RTS Charlotte, pursuing a M.Div. with a graduation planned for December. He is married to Emily, and together they enjoy cooking and eating, talking and spending time together and with friends. Nathan also enjoys rock climbing, reading, and studying the Scriptures.








The Session

Chad Cureton
Josh Bouldin
Dwight Hazard
David Kent
Ron Godfrey

The Diaconate

Sam Walton
Scott Tuttle
Rion Caughman